
Solving Bugcrowd's Spooky Challenge- The Nerd's Way

Hello Everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. Over the past couple of days, my inbox has been flooded with DMs, all revolving around the same intriguing topic: Bugcrowd’s recent Spooky Challenge.

What’s got everyone buzzing, you ask? Recently BugCrowd announced the winners of the challenge and I was one of the very first to solve the challenge, the challenge was quite easy and straight forward in itself. The Challenge was announced on Oct 30 at 09:53 PM, I was lucky enough to spot the tweet within 25 seconds of it going live and was able to solve and submit a solution(atleast this is what I thought) within the very first 2 minutes at 09:55 PM


The Challenge is created by ZWink and revolves around basic Authentication Bypass to retrive a hidden secert flag/code. The challenge can be found here


On first visting the challenge page we are served with a bold ACCESS DENIED message and a clown laughing on our face. Below that we see a form with a inpout field containing the message Kreepy Klown denies you access!, our goal is to get to the other side of the webapp and get the hidden flag.


There seems nothing intresting in first glance and fuzzing/automated testing is strictly prohibited as it is not going to help us in anyway :) Looking at the source code of the application, we see a form making a POST request to /klown.cfm with various input fields but the one which caught the attention is the hidden field named captcha with a random value.


My immediate thought was to play around with this value but big question is what we can even do with a random 30 character long string? Maybe pass it in the input field provided? Another thing we see is the Submit button is intentionally disbaled with a hard coded disabled HTML attribute.

We are going to solve the challenge using the browser console like a Nerd :) It’s time for some Console Magic!!

First thing first, we need to copy the hidden captcha value and paste it into the password input field



Note: The server is expecting any random value in the password input field and passing the captcha in the password input is not at all necessary, this is just what I did.

Now, we need to submit the form but we see the Submit button doesn’t work, let’s fix that



Great, now let’s submit the form and see what happens



Voilla!! We have some progress and the secret password is KR33PIE-KL0WN BUT is that the final code we are after or is it just a key to another door? Whatever it is atleast we have impressed the Klown

Okay, let’s go on another console spree but this time with the secret-password given by the Klown ;)

Enter the secret password into the password input field



Submit the form once again



There we have it!!!! The Secret Code is BUGCROWD-KLOWN-2023, we have made it to the other side of the circus and guess who is laughing now ;)

The challenge conclueded on Oct 31st and the results were declared on Nov 2. 80+ hackers were able to solve this challenge and 12 hackers completed the challenge in under 14 minutes.


It was a fun challenge,I had great fun solving and writing about it. I hope you enjoyed reading the walkthrough :)

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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